
Our Story

Our Story

1. In Europe, specifically in Germany, we experienced an unprecedented refugee wave and a quiet awakening in those ccongregations that opened themselves to people of all nations. Rapid conversions forced us to think about rapid discipleship training and rapid multiplication. We recognized the need for rapid training of people who show apostolic and pastoral gifting, in order to effect rapid multiplication. When a movement of God amongst refugees was officially born on February 3, 2016, in Germany, it was also predicted that the intentional integration of foreigners, immigrants, and refugees into the German fellowships would become Germany’s blessing to the nations.

2. In December 2019, the MosaiXMiddleEast team providentially met several Sudanese refugees in Tel Aviv, who have no theological background and asked to be trained in order to become ordained pastors and planters. Their readiness to be grounded in Scripture, theology, evangelism and apologetics, pastoral ministry and Fellowship planting, in order to lead their monocultural community into a mono-sudanese/multi-Jewish-Arab-international community was a clear message to the team that God was preparing pockets of people who need to be trained for an extraordinary work of God’s Spirit amongst the nations. Then, in June 2020, during an online course that Yassir Eric and Stephen Beck taught on intercultural congregational planting to 16 Arabic-speaking students, the students repeatedly spoke of the course material as “revolutionary and greatly needed concepts” in Arabic-speaking communities (e.g. Egypt).

3. Stephen Beck will continue part-time at the Giessen School of Theology, Giessen, Germany, teaching “Spiritual Life” and “Congregational Planting”. Greater Europe Mission, with whom Stephen and Susan have served in Germany since 2005, has appointed him to be Lead European Mobilizer, GEM Global. His driving motivation in putting together the mosaiXmultiply Academy & Training is threefold:
a. to take all he has been given, experienced, knows and has been influenced by regarding being a gospel-driven, outward focused, intercultural, multiplicational and planter and pouring that wealth into as many others as possible;
b. to give others, whose ministry experience and knowledge we value, the opportunity to pour out their wealth into as many others as possible; and
c. When God brings awakening to a country or region, schools of higher theological training and denominations with high standards for ordination cannot send workers into the fast-growing harvest quickly enough.
With the mosaiXmultiply Academy & Training we wish to empower lay people to move into multiplicational ministry rapidly and be trained in service (i.e., learning by doing – learning while doing).

4. Covid-19: it forced us to move away from the original thought of a few of us repeatedly travelling to a few places in order to instruct a few people, to having to take our equipping ministry mainly (but not only) on the internet, so that instructor and instructee need not step out of their homes.

In summary, we will work with all backgrounds, denominations, networks, and organizations to provide them with well-trained Congregational planters and Congregational leaders in all contexts. MosaiXmultiply Academy & Training will also promote excellent and helpful resources, organizations and experts that exist apart from MosaiXmultiply Academy & Training.